After having a cesarean section, many of the moms become too much conscious about their cesarean section scars. While most of the experienced modern day surgeons handle the situation aptly without making too big an incision but for some moms the scar just fail to heal to the extent of their liking and gets itchy by becoming thick and ugly.

If you are too much concerned about your stubborn c-section scar then you better try some of the tested remedies to soothe it out. One of the most recommended remedies for making your prominent c-section scar look less noticeable, even without a prescription, is Silicone. For treating scars such as a c section scar, silicon scar sheets are effective in first lessening the redness of the scar, then for flattening and softening it. If you find using silicon sheets as one troublesome affair, you can use a scar healing salve that has all the essential ingredients for healing a scar. It contains Vitamin C, amino acids and essential fatty acids that quicken up the rate of scar healing.

In a cesarean, bikini or horizontal incision is a more common one used on the abdomen than the rare vertical incision that is made in most extreme of the cases. The length of the incision could vary from about 4 to well over 6 inches depending on the actual length needed to birth your baby. Doctors close cesarean incision using staples, glue, sutures (stitches) or a combination of these types depending upon your body type and also usually by their preferred type.

If the redness of your scar persists and if there is a swelling on it with an extreme pain, contact your doctor without going for any second thought. Even if there is a mild pain and you observe something oozing out from the incision, there could be an infection, never delay; consult your doctor right away. During the process of healing it is quite natural that you feel the itching sensation but you must avoid scratching the c-section site. You will be damaging the site than relieving yourself implantation bleeding or early period from the itch. Keep the area clean and dry, you must thoroughly dry your skin even after bathing to avoid any sort of infection. Prefer wearing clothes that doesn't actually sit on the c section scar, once the scar gets older and healed you can get back to your normal dressing. A scar shelf, also known as Mother's Apron, may develop in some moms due to the skin sitting over the scar taking on a small overhang. A well planned diet and suitable exercises help to reduce such sagging of the skin. Some moms even complain of numbness or a lack of sensation around the scar area. This may be permanent or temporary, if you have any queries to be settled about it: never hesitate to ask your doctor.

The rate of healing of a c-section scar varies from woman to woman. In case of a poor nutrition or infection there is often a delay in healing. Make sure that your food intake is healthy and a well balanced one so that all the essential nutrition needed for a speedy heal up is included in your food.