Free fluid in pelvis and abdomen- Explained 

If your recent tests have concluded you have free fluid in pelvis or abdomen and you are worried what it means then scroll down for the explanation. Free fluid is actually accumulation of water or other fluid in the areas where it is not meant to be present. Every cell of body has extracellular and intracellular fluid. This is managed by balance of salts in and out of the body. Any differentiation in normal conditions or other medical problems could disbalance the fluid proportions and could cause water accumulation in several parts. This abnormal fluid accumulation causes range of problems and complications both in men and women.

Free fluid in pelvis

Free fluid in pelvis is a water accumulation or presence of considerable amounts of fluids that could move freely in the pelvic region. This extra fluid poses a great danger of causing infection to the nearby areas or other parts of body. This condition poses great dangers to females in the case of pregnancy as it affects the normal delivery and growth of the fetus. It is said that some amount of fluid is present in the pelvis at the time of menstruation in the ladies. But this is always asymptomatic and causes no discomfort for the person. The fluid could also be found at the time of menopause which is also normal to some extent. Abnormal accumulation of fluid in pelvis often causes symptoms such as pain inside lower left or right side of abdomen. In these cases the fluid accumulation could be due to breakage in a non-functional cyst that contains fluid which has been leaked into the pelvic region. The amount of fluid present varies from person to person and is a great indicator of underlying medical condition.

Free fluid in abdomen

The accumulation of free fluid in abdomen is terms as ascites in medical terms. The most known cause of peritoneal fluid is liver damage or cirrhosis of liver. It is often detected by an ultrasound and blood tests. This condition often causes symptoms of heaviness burst blood vessel in finger in the abdomen which is evident in high level of fluid accumulation. This also causes breathing troubles due to pressure on the diaphragm. Other symptoms are produced due to the condition causing the fluid retention. As a treatment the patient is often kept on diuretics to remove the fluid through urination. Apart from this certain medicine are given in the case of liver damage. If the fluid amount is more then removal is done through needle therapy or paracentesis. Malnutrition and heart problems are sometimes responsible for the fluid retention in the abdomen. In rare cases this is caused due to peritoneal cancer which produces no other symptoms.

Proper medical treatment should be followed in above conditions to cause early and complete healing.

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